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COVID-19 Yard Work (April-July, 2020)
Among the home improvement projects I took on during this social distancing/self isolation period was gardening. I have never been much of a garden person but have begun to love this project. Watering plants every day during the Texas summer has made me feel relevant, or at least necessary (as I have to water them twice a day) in a time when being alone is the new normal. And so far, only a couple of plants have died - one, because of walking sticks, and the other because of Texas heat. But it is a learning curve. Meanwhile, I have hauled a half-ton lbs of crushed granite (in 40 lb bags) , untold bags of mulch, gardening soil and top soil, bricks and limestone edging rocks - and learned to use a rock bar and a fulcrum to move giant boulders. Everything in planted and built, and I have had my Traverse detailed, and am trying not to use it as a farm truck anymore, and have gotten all of the dirt out from under my nails. Now, where's that margarita?